Episcopal Church of Brandon, Vermont and the surrounding area
19 Conant Square, Brandon, VT 05733
What We Do
Many of the activities and outreach ministries of St. Thomas & Grace relate to food. We enjoy our Sunday "coffee hours" - food and fellowship gathered at the back of church after worship. We do not charge set prices for our public suppers, thus providing opportunities for people to come together and socialize and through "good will offerings" help us raise funds for outreach causes locally and around the world. Our faith community garden raises vegetables for use by the local food shelf as well as parish and community members. During the pandemic we continued to have "coffee hour" after our Zoom worship and often people actually drank coffee or nibbled goodies! During the pandemic we began to hold drive-through collections of cash and food for the local Food Shelf which saw amazing community support. The Vestry has made a commitment to hold at least two of these drive-through Food Shelf collections a year; we consult with the Food Shelf and try to hold one drive in the winter and another drive timed for when there is high need - choosing the specific Saturday based on other activities in the community. Volunteers are welcome - contact vestrystg@googlegroups.com.
Faith Community Garden
Our garden provides food for the local food shelf, parish members, and others in the community.
Taking Care of Others
Holding drive-thru food drives three times a year to help our community restock to Brandon Food Shelf.